It is possible that they tie you with chains,
that thinks to be proprietors of your body,
that shut you up with bars.
It does not matter, close your eyes,
open your wings and lifts the flight
wherever I am.
What will say my solitary soul
on having entered the interior of the woman
that represents the entire universe
and to walk along her paradise of loves
listening to the music of her unnerving violins
of the kiss and her lustful pantings
that shakes her fecund belly
wise and learned in the delights of love.
She invites me to slide repeatedly to the rhythm
of the warm music from the paradise of loves
that makes rock her life
in giving clouds
of eternals delights
that expresses hidden secrets
in cases of solitude
medallions of memories
and nostalgics parchments.
It is delightful to remind her in this way
and to know she is with me.